Thursday, March 31, 2011

How do you eat your cereal?

Have you noticed that everyone eats cereal differently? Seriously, everyone enjoys a bowl of cereal in their own unique way.

Some people enjoy mixing cereals...this was very common in my family growing up.

My dad in particular ALWAYS adds raisins to his bowl.

Haley gets very close to her cereal (her lip pretty much touching her bowl) and goes for the "shovel it in" method.

Morgan spoons up all the milk out of the bowl first, then starts working on the cereal. But usually by then she's over it and walks away from the table leaving a bowl full of cereal but not an ounce of milk is left.

Ryan holds his spoon differently than he does his fork. It's kinda child-like. (Ryan don't hate me) He does it when he eats ice cream too. He says it he does it that way because he is enjoying it with child-like vigor.

Me...well, I always pour a little extra milk into my bowl of cereal just to make sure I have extra left in the bowl when my cereal is gone. That way I can pour a little more cereal into the left over milk. This really only works with a honey cereal, because then your left over milk is super sweet making your next bowl of cereal really good! I've done this since I was a kid...still do it.

Anyway, just a random thought for the day.

In other (and this time I mean it) is Ryan's last day at his work. The good news...they're extending our health insurance through April! Yay, now I have another month to put off applying for a new health plan! Paperwork...blah!! Procrastination...yay!

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