Friday, April 1, 2011

Bloom baby bloom!

Our backyard is coming alive! It brings me so much joy seeing colors in my backyard other than brown. The grass is greener, blossoms have started popping on our apricot tree, and all sorts of little flowers are coming up!

My garden...well, I just don't know. I have three rows...peas, spinach, and lettuce...and it looks as if something may be starting to sprout...just not very quickly I guess. Maybe I'm a little impatient...perhaps I should relax and let nature take its course.

Today was unbelievably warm! I ended up walking to Haley's school and back again three times today! Go me...and Morgan, who scootered all those three. One more trip than usual because I went to enroll my little Morgie in Kindergarten! Oh she is growing up!

After school we all walked to Grandma and Grandpa's for a little visit. All went well until the massive fit Morgan had when it was time to go home. What. was. up. with. that!! Quite embarrassing considering the entire neighborhood could hear her wailing. But, we made it home...eventually. Of course she had to make sure I knew she was still very upset for she force-cried all the way home. Needless to say she spent some alone time in her room for that one.

So, now here we are...a beautiful evening. The girls are playing with our backyard neighbors on their tramp (have I mentioned how much I love the little door that separates our yards?) and Ryan is grilling up some burgers. Mmmm mmm! Life is good!

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