Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Pictures

(This picture should have been down further in the post...oops.)

I'm a little late with the Easter seems like Easter was forever ago now. And what's my excuse, I mean, all I'm doing is sitting would think I would be a little more on top of this stuff!

The night before Easter Jeff came over after the girls were asleep. (He comes over to watch Mad Men with us...yeah, Season 4, it's really good!) So anyway, he was all set to watch, but then I needed to get things ready for Easter morning! Prepare breakfast: I had to get the Monkey Bread all assembled, and I needed to get the girls' baskets filled and hide them somewhere for them to find in the morning. But you know...I'm limited in what I can do. Jeff jumped up, "Give me that recipe! I can do that!". So Ryan helped me get the baskets ready and Jeff worked in the kitchen making my monkey bread for the morning! What a guy! So I got everything done with their help and we still had time to watch Mad Men!

That night Haley got up at 2:30, 4:00, 4:30 and then finally up for the day at 6:00. That girl gets so excited about every holiday! Morgan on the other hand slept in til about 8:00. Very different, those two! So anyway, the girls got up and hunted for their baskets. After running around for literally 2 minutes looking for her basket...and low and behold it did not jump out in front of her, Haley threw herself to the floor in the depths of despair, "I'm never going to find it...NEVER!" Haley is just like her daddy, if the thing they're looking for isn't right there in front of their nose...that's it, they can't find it! (Although, Ryan doesn't throw himself to the floor, crying.) So after some coaxing (and a few hints) she found it in the laundry room cabinet. Morgan, doesn't get so upset...she's a little more patient and takes her time. She found hers in a kitchen cabinet.

Ryan made the breakfast...sausage and eggs and of course he baked the monkey bread. It was delicious!

Piper with her basket.

Haley, relieved she finally found it.

Morgan with hers. Don't ask about her jammies...not sure what's going on there.

Then later that afternoon my mom and dad hosted Easter dinner complete with an Easter egg hunt. Now, I know I'm on bed rest and all...but, Easter dinner is one of my favorite dinners of the year! So I swapped out my sweats for a skirt, and instead of sitting on my duff at my house, I sat on my duff at their house. And it's right down the street, it's not like I had to drive that far.
I'm glad I went, the meal was absolutely delicious!

Easter Egg hunt!

Cousin Jett.

Next year Piper you'll be out there!

Oh, and the girls' skirts and Piper's dress my mom made for them...aren't they so cute! Love them!

So that's that!

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