Friday, April 22, 2011

Bed Rest

The nurse called yesterday. She was reviewing my ultrasound and has now given me very strict orders to stay off my feet...bed rest. I have never had to do something like this. Sounds like a vacation, but it's so far from it. I'm not one to sit there and let everyone around me work, doing all MY chores! Especially when I feel capable...I look capable. It's not like I have a broken leg or something visual for people to see why I'm layed up.

Yesterday my mom took over everything. She had Morgan and Piper with her on all her errands...with my grocery list in hand. Thank goodness they are both pretty good when it comes to errands...Morgan especially is very patient. Well, other than her potty breaks. At one point my mom said she was in the produce area in Costco (which by the way is on the completely opposite end from the bathrooms) when Morgan said she had to go potty. My mom told her "Okay, just one minute, let me find some spinach real quick." Morgan's loud response, "FORGET THE SPINACH!!! I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM NOW!!!!!". I think she had a total of three bathroom stops during all the errands...can we say hydrated?!

Then mom made a delicious dinner last night for us...while I sat on my butt...and watched. Very hard for me. I want to get up and help so badly. But I am so thankful she's here, I'm not sure what we would have done without her. Ryan and her have gone over schedules to make sure someone is around at all times to help me with Piper.

I just know that the more I rest, the faster I'll heal. And that is what I want most of all. The goal is for this hemorrhage to heal before the baby gets bigger and more active causing a threat to the placenta tearing away from the uterus wall. That scares me. So bed rest it is.

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