Thursday, April 21, 2011

Another Update

Well, I posted my previous pregnancy update a little too soon. After that day everything got a little worse. I thought for sure I was losing the baby on Saturday...but Sunday I was convinced I was still pregnant. So, I went in for another ultrasound Tuesday morning. This one was done in the hospital and was much more thorough! I think the first ultrasound tech should be fired, because bottom line...she sucks at her job! If I didn't need to pee so bad I would have asked more questions during it...but all was thinking about at the time was a toilet!

Anyway, this next time I did NOT fill my bladder as full...I don't care if that was breaking rules! There was NO WAY I was going to lay there that uncomfortable again! So, Tuesday's tech was much better. Turns out I in fact have a subchroionic hematoma. Moderately large they say. So, I feel better having an answer to why all the bleeding. But it's hard because I've been given strict orders to take it easy. No pushing anything (shopping carts, strollers, vacuum etc.), no lifting anything (this one is hard with a one year old), no frisky business (sorry Ryan) and basically staying off my feet as much as possible. It's hard when everyone around me is working so hard and I'm supposed lay low. My mom has really taken over quite a bit with picking up the girls from school, grocery shopping and such...I'm so lucky she's here! And of course Ryan has taken on more at home as well...this is hard for me since I know he already has so much on his plate! But my mom says, let people help...there is a little life involved. She's so right! My job is to do what I need to in order to protect this little life. Forget my pride...accept the help.

I was just thinking...I will have been pregnant two Easters in a row. Crazy.

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