Friday, April 15, 2011

Pregnancy Update

Just thought I'd do a quick update with my pregnancy. Everything looked great with my blood work, no problems there. They concluded that I am in fact knocked up. I also had an ultrasound done to check for any hematomas that may be causing me to bleed. Luckily, no hematoma was found...yay! However, the only thing I could think of while laying there was how badly I needed to pee (I had to do the pelvic prep...drink 32 oz of water an hour before the ultrasound) about painful!! But, in the midst of my eyes turning yellow, I did hear my baby's heartbeat! It was a beautiful sound! I fell in love immediately!

So, luckily the tech was super duper fast with the ultrasound (she must have seen the pain in my eyes and the fact that I was walking weird...she said, "Don't worry I promise this won't take long...I'm really good, and I'm really fast!" And she was! I was out of there in under five minutes!

So there you have it, whether you wanted it or not!


  1. Were they able to give you a due date after the ultrasound?

  2. So glad for the good news! Congrats to you.
