Monday, April 11, 2011

Piper's Birthday Pictures

We celebrated Piper's birthday on Sunday evening with parents, Jeff, Matt and Carrie, and of course little Jett. And I can't believe it, but not one picture of Jett came out good...he's a quick little guy always on the go! So, I'll have to make up for it next time I see him.

But anyway, it was a very nice evening. I made some homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner and some rainbow cake.

One of Piper's gifts from Grandma and Grandpa.

The girls scooted her all over the place, and Piper was loving it!
Opening presents.

New shoes!
Me with my girls!
I love this picture. We just finished blowing out the candle and you can already see Morgan reaching for it to lick the frosting off it. That's my little sweet tooth!

Piper surprised me...she was actually a very dainty eater with her birthday cake.

The boys hanging out. Grandma and Grandpa.

Uncle Matt and Aunt Carrie.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was a fun celebration! The girls are so beautiful.
