Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Break

This week is Spring break for the girls. Not too much planned...yesterday was a play at home day, today we'll hit up the library. I wish the weather was better. Yesterday was a sunny, but chilly day and today it looks as if it will rain...boo.

I've been taking it easy...my body is still having issues. I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow. Well, actually I think it's the nurse, but hopefully my blood work comes back with some answers as to what is going on. Until then, I'll continue to take it easy. On a good note, I've been getting some awful waves of nausea every now and then...I take that as a good sign!

These are just some random pictures from last week.

We got the rototiller up and running!

Piper loves to put things on her head...sweaters, towels, what ever she can get her hands on. And then she crawls around, sometimes not even able to see where she's going. Funny girl.

1 comment:

  1. that is some good looking soil.

    Sorry I haven't been reading recent.y
