Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Catching up on my reading.

So as you know (and I'm sure you're getting sick of hearing about it...but too bad) I'm on bed rest. Just for the record I believe this will be my final week...at least that's what I'm hoping for!

Anyway, one good thing about all this is that I get to do a lot of reading! And I've found myself reading tons of articles on the Power of Moms...seriously, I click from one to another to another and so on. Luckily, I have no obligations right now so time is not an issue (I should enjoy that, I will probably never be able to say that again!). I've done a post about the Power of Moms before and I have button on my sidebar to link through. I was just thinking I would refresh your minds with this great resource in honor of Mother's Day!

Some things they offer on The Power of Moms:

* Mind Organization for Moms. I've got to learn more about this one. If anyone needs to be more organized, it's me!

* Power of the Month May is "Intention".

* Learning Circles

* Bloom Game A fun way to stay motivated and accomplish our goals.

* Retreats and Workshops I would love to go to one some day!

And of course the articles...I love reading about everyday women who are going through similar experiences. As mothers we need that! It helps us not feel so alone when we're going through challenging periods in our lives.

Just a few articles that I've enjoyed:

* The Perfect Mom

* Bless this Mess

* They Really Do Grow Up!

* Love, The Hard Way


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