Wednesday, May 4, 2011

When too much reading is bad.

The Internet can be a wonderful's true. However, I just spent over an hour reading about other women's experiences with subchorionic hemorrhages during their pregnancies. Big mistake! I should have stopped reading after the first story about a woman who was diagnosed with a SBH early in her pregnancy and went on to deliver a healthy baby. Happy and sweet! But no...I kept reading. The more I read the more horror stories popped up. Women who lost their babies at 20 weeks or later!! Preterm delivery...placental abruption...septic shock?!! I could go on and on!

I am terrified now! Why did I do that to myself?

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, and I'm hoping for another ultrasound to check the status of everything. Perhaps he can also calm some of my fears.

I have high hopes...wish me luck.

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