Thursday, May 5, 2011

Good News!

Well, I spent the morning at the doctor's office and then I spent the afternoon at the hospital for another was quite a day. But I'm happy to report that my subchorionic hemorrhage is nearly resolved! It shrunk so much that it was difficult for the tech to find it...yay! The baby's growth is looking very good as well! Talk about relief! The nurses say that because of my superior resting skills I was able to knock that thing out! Go me! At one point a nurse even poked her head into the waiting room to thank my mom for letting me rest so I could heal...she told her she's doing an awesome job! I would have to agree with that! Also, Ryan...what a guy...I think (wait, I KNOW) he's changed more poopy diapers these last two weeks than he has ever changed...EVER!

So, I've been told to stay on bed rest until the bleeding completely stops...hopefully just for a few more days. I hope, I hope!

But I tell ya, today has lifted my spirits...I needed that!