Saturday, May 7, 2011

Haley's 5K

Yesterday Haley's school put on a 5K for all the students (1st-6th grade) and of course family and friends were welcome to do it too. I would have totally done it with her had I not been on bed rest. But luckily, the course went right by our house...twice! So my mom, Morgie, Piper and I all cheered her on from my front yard. And oh, what a lovely day!

I know she's kinda far away to see...but that's my Haley running on the other side of street dressed all in orange.

Little Morgie cheering her on!

Haley came in for a quick kiss and then she was off again!

Little Piper enjoying the sunshine.

These past couple of days have been wonderful...temps in the upper 70's! I'm trying to enjoy it while I have it...I hear another storm is on the way. Boo!

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