Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Haley made me a book for Mother's Day at school. In it, she answers different kinds of questions about mothers. It's the kind of book that can terrify a parent...I mean, who knows how they might answer a question. How are mothers different from fathers? Well, my mom is really mean but my dad is super nice. Okay, that wasn't her answer. But do you know what I mean? Luckily, all Haley's answers were really cute. In fact, her answer to the "How are mothers different than fathers?" question was, "My mom has a skirt and my dad has pants." Not bad. At least she didn't write it the other way around...boy, that would make our family seem weird.

Well anyway, one of her answers I particularly enjoyed.

The first question: What are Mothers for?

Her response: "Mothers are for more mothers because I will be a mom."

I loved it! I find it so fascinating that my six year old pieces all that together. Not that it's a terribly difficult concept, but come on, you would a think a six year might write something like, "Mothers are for making me cookies." or "Mothers are for taking me to the park." But she didn't.

Mothers learn from their mothers, and I'm so lucky to have my mom as such a wonderful example for me. I hope that I'll be that same example for my girls.

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

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