Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back to bed rest.

I'm starting to feel sorry for myself...I hate doing that. It's weak, not to mention obnoxious...people don't want to hear other people whine...right? But I'm doing it anyway.

I thought I was in the clear, my ultrasound looked great last week showing drastic improvements. My bleeding even stopped. I had high hopes for this week. Yes, I had planned on still taking it easy, but that the fact I could starting living again, being a part of the family...not just on the sidelines was exciting!

Well, I'm back to bed rest today. Bleeding returned yesterday afternoon...I'm devastated. What does this mean?! I hate not having immediate answers! What did I do to bring this on again? Did I go up the stairs one too many times yesterday thinking I was all better? Was it from tripping on the computer cord over the weekend? I sneezed a few times yesterday...was it from that?! I kid you not...I'm questioning everything I did now! Every time I may have jostled my body a little too much I think, "Did that cause me to bleed again?". I am just one big basketcase!

Okay, enough whining. Enough of feeling sorry for myself. Time to focus on getting better...again. I NEED to protect this little one.

Goodness, it seems like I've been pregnant forever, and I'm not even 3 months yet!!

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, I was thinking about you all night last night, and I am so sorry that you're on bed rest! I just wanted to offer you a different point of view, in case it helps.

    When I went into pre-term labor at 29 weeks with Ethan (in Massachusetts), I was put on bed rest, but I kept contracting, and I delivered at 30 weeks.

    Then I went into pre-term labor with Spencer at 31 weeks, and my doctor here in California did NOT put me on bed rest.

    I loved him. Spencer was born at 37.5 weeks.

    I asked him why he chose not to put me on bed rest, and he said, "There is no medical study in the world that says that bed rest contributes to longer gestations." Which basically means that your baby is going to be delivered at the same time, whether you're on bed rest or not.

    He said that bed rest does contribute to blood clots and depression, and while they've shown that women do check into the hospital less when they're on bed rest, the safety/life of the baby is not affected.

    I then asked him why so many doctors put women on bed rest, and he said, "It makes the doctor feel better. If your baby were to come early or have complications, they want to say that they did everything they could."

    I'm not a medical professional, but when I heard that some of your friends with the same diagnosis were not on bed rest, I thought I'd share what I learned with you and encourage you look into this a bit more.

    I'm sure you have a nice doctor who cares about you, but it might not be a bad idea to ask him for a recent medical study showing that bed rest is necessary.

    If you feel most comfortable staying on bed rest, please disregard this note. I just feel so bad that you're missing out on the spring weather and feeling discouraged, and I think it's worth looking into other opinions. Of course you care about your baby, but if sitting in bed all day isn't scientifically supported to do anything helpful, then I don't think it's worth it.

    My doctor's name is Allen Akerman (I think I spelled that right). He's in Orange County, and I think he's fabulous. If you want me to call his office and ask about the studies he quoted, I'd be more than happy to do so.

    I hope, hope, hope that your baby continues to grow and develop well, and I just want you to have the best experience possible. You are wonderful!

