Thursday, May 12, 2011

Change of attitude

Three weeks of bed rest today...but who's counting, right?

Some thoughts:

*I hate bed rest.
*I'm sick of reading.
*This lap top is starting to get very hot on my lap.
*I'm tired of looking like crap every day because I'm too scared to stand in front of the mirror for any length of time because I may start bleeding bad again.
*I'm tired of bleeding. Can we say, "longest period EVER!"...any woman's worst nightmare!
*I'm tired of always complaining on my blog.
*I'm sick of watching my family live...and not being able to participate.
*I hate the fact that I have endured an entire Winter, and now that's it's absolutely beautiful outside I can't get out and really enjoy's not fair!!! I feel like I'm being tortured!
*I hate not being able work in my garden.
*I hate watching everyone else work super hard around me, doing EVERYTHING while I just sit here and feel useless.

With all that said...I am so grateful for all the help I've received! Let an ornery woman complain please...this will be the last day of it, honest. (okay, I may have just crossed my fingers behind my back while I said that)

I was reading an article the other day about endurance. When we think of endurance, we usually think of working hard towards goal where we will ultimately find some kind of joy or happiness and the end. Like a running a marathon. Yeah, it will hurt and you'll most likely have moments of complete and utter misery...but crossing that finish line will be the sweetest feeling ever and totally worth all the pain.

But the article suggested that we need to find the joy on our way to accomplishing a particular goal. My goal is to have a healthy baby in December. Yes, this pregnancy is NOT going the way I would have liked. But these are the cards I was dealt...I have to accept that. STOP asking "Why me?". This is NOT about ME!! This is about my baby!

So, I'm not sure if I'm making any sense...I feel like I'm rambling. But, my point is I'm going to stop belly aching about my situation and find some joy in the every day. I can chose to sit here and be miserable and feel sorry for myself, or I can be thankful for the blessings I do have. I can cuddle with my girls on the couch (Morgan's favorite). I can read stories to them. I can brush their hair. I can gives them hugs and kisses before they run out the door. I can color with them. I can watch them play outside...and I can even sit on the porch and feel the sun on my skin.
See? It's not all bad, right?

So, no more depressing "woe is me" type posts! Okay...who am I kidding? Maybe fewer "woe is me" type posts...a girl needs to complain every now and then!


  1. I'm SO sorry you're having to go through that and I would be complaining too. I hope you're body heals quickly and you're able to enjoy the sunshine soon.:)

  2. You can do this! Just imagine yourself in the future (past the trial) looking back. It WILL get better.
