Sunday, May 15, 2011

A few pictures to share.

Morgan made a little fairy cottage in our front flower bed. I thought she did a pretty good job accessorizing using random leaves. Even made use of the one single flower we have planted there.

I love how most babies hate touching grass on their bare skin, and all the ways they try to avoid it. Piper is no exception. She has resorted to the spider crawl to keep it off her knees.

I love it when babies crawl that way!

Yesterday, Haley found a full fledged four leaf clover! In our own backyard no less!

I was pretty impressed...I mean how often does that happen?!

We have since put it into a flower press for safe keeping.

I know, the picture is a little blurry...sorry.

The weather has been beautiful. Yesterday we had a thunderstorm blow through...oh, how I love the sound of cracking thunder! We've been doing a bit of grilling, and dining's been nice.

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