Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Good news? Yes, please!

My doctor referred me to a perinatologist...he wanted a more thorough look at the bleeding and the possible scar tissue. Well, I'm already back and I'm very pleased with his outcome! First off, the hemorrhage is not visible, meaning my body is resolving it...the goal is to go two weeks without new red blood, if I can do that, I'm golden! So far, I have one week under my more to go people, one more to go! I can do it! I'm super nervous to move in fear I might trigger something and start bleeding again...I just don't want to start over!! So, I'm continuing to stay down...I've made it this far, one week is nothing, right?

As far as the weird tissue in my uterus, it is in fact scar tissue and the perinatologist did not seem at all worried about it. He said the baby will be fine, and will just grow around it. Whew! The baby looks healthy and is thriving. I'm so glad! That is just what I needed to hear!

And would anyone like to know what the sex is??? I know, I know, I thought it was too early to tell too! I mean am only a little over 12 weeks! But the baby just so happened to be in a very good position and the tech (although she did say she was not 100%) was pretty sure on the sex.

Drum roll please......

It's (we're pretty sure) a girl!

Lucky Ryan! Bring on the drama!

I have more to update...maybe later. Haley lost another tooth, Piper has a fever (going to the doctor today), changing of the guards (my mom had to go home last week and my mother-in-law flew in to take over...I know, I'm so blessed!), Summer is almost here (last day of school this week)...goodness so much going on.

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