Saturday, May 28, 2011

Snow Melt

The snow pack this year is just ridiculously high, and since the we've been getting an endless supply of rain this month the rivers are just busting at the banks. There have been flood warnings throughout Salt Lake City and other Northern Utah counties, however none for our county...yet that is. Our old house (our rental now) is right along the Provo river so needless to say we've been keeping a close watch on the river. Ryan was mowing the lawn at the old house the other day and took a few pictures while he was there. Never have we've seen it this high!

There are parts of the river that have already spilled over onto the path, and mini lakes have formed in peoples' yards. Yikes!

In other news, Piper came down with an ear infection this week. We got her set up with some antibiotics just to find out two days later that she is allergic to amoxicillin...lovely. But we shouldn't be surprised since my dad, Ryan's grandfather and sister are all allergic to penicillin. I guess someone is bound to be allergic with that kind of family history. So, since then we've treated her rash with some benedryll (which has made her a super sleeper) and hooked her up with a new antibiotic.

Summer break has begun, Morgan and Haley are done with school. However, I enrolled Haley in Summer school this year. Turns out her first grade teacher (whom I love) is teaching it, so when I heard that I didn't hesitate. This will giver her a little boost for when she starts second grade. Plus, she's pretty excited since her little crush is also enrolled. I know, who knew little girls would have a crush at this age!!

I'll end with a dream I had...because you know, pregnancy can bring out some crazy dreams, at least for me anyway!

I'm walking in a mall by myself (gasp, I know, unheard of) and who should approach me? Why Tom Cruise of all people all of sudden starts walking beside me.

Tom: You know, I'm not a big fan of red heads.

Me: Well, that's too bad. Red heads can be a lot of fun (wink wink). But that's okay, because I'm not fan of short guys.

Then, he continues to walk with me as I leave the mall and walk to the car. Ryan is waiting for me (he's driving my parents big red suburban, weird) and Tom Cruise, very casually gets in the car. He says he has strep throat and he needs a ride. In the car my brother's girlfriend, Jen, and another unidentified girl are already sitting in the backseat. Of course they scream out in delight when Tom Cruise gets in.

The end...I wake up.

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