Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Almost there!

I had another check up today. So far so good. If all goes well, I'll be off bed rest on Thursday...oh, sweet relief...you're in sight! I hope my body doesn't let me down!

However, I'm to take it very slow. Easy tasks around the house and then every four days or so I can add a bit more to my day. I was trying to get exactly what I can, and cannot do out of my doctor: Walking? And how far? Lifting Piper? Pushing a stroller? Driving? Gardening? Going up and down stairs? Sex? I think I was driving my doctor crazy! Oh, how I want things back to normal!! Again, he just kept saying to take it SLOW...which I will.

Come on Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. You can do it!! I'm so impressed by how you've taken this bed rest thing in stride!!
