Sunday, June 5, 2011


Time to play catch-up.

First off, I'm off bed rest!! Yippee! However, I haven't done a whole lot of anything yet, just a little more walking around the house. Ryan's birthday was Friday so I did make a cake that morning and fried up some tacos that evening. So, the very little I did in the kitchen, combined with showering and actually looking presentable for the day absolutely exhausted me! I guess sitting on my butt for six weeks will do that to you! Who knew? So, thank goodness for Ryan's mom who did everything else, and has been for the past two weeks!

We've had a really nice weekend with the weather, it's beautiful! Yesterday I walked around the yard admiring how many irises we have!! They are everywhere! And in so many colors! Blues, purples, lavenders, yellow and white...I love it! We also have quite the overgrowth of weeds and grass in the flower beds as well, but hopefully we'll get on top of that eventually. Our garden is looking good. My lettuce and spinach came in fast and furious. My peas, however, did not. I think a little critter nibbled them down. The broccoli and onions are coming along. And last weekend my mother-in-law planted the tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, corn, and some cilantro and basil. I'm very thankful for her help!! I just love my garden!

Today, my in-laws, Ryan and the girls all went to the zoo. And since I'm still supposed to take it easy, it wasnt a good idea to walk so much so soon. So here I am...home. I'm bummed I'm missing out. But this will probably be the last day of it...of not participating that is. Tomorrow, my in-laws leave. This will be the first time I've been without help for over six weeks...and to be honest, I'm a little nervous about it. It's been so long...and I can't even began to explain how hard it is to come back after six weeks of "hibernation"...I get so exhausted, so easily. Pretty sad really. So hopefully I can keep up with these kids and still try to take it slow. But I do look forward to getting back into a routine and taking care of my family.

Piper hasn't started walking yet, however, she did take four whole steps toward Ryan the other day! And boy is she a ham! She loves to stand in the middle of room showing off her balance skills, just grinning from ear to ear. She digs the attention. She has become quite the daddy's girl during my time off my feet. When he walks into the room she speed crawls to him sometimes saying "dada dada dada" the whole way to him. And cries when he leaves. She also loves to hand people things and I kid you not, every time she hands you something it sounds like she says "Here you go." Honestly! She is such a happy baby! When I was pregnant with Piper and friend of mine told me, "Just wait and see, your third baby will be your angel baby." And she was right! Piper is a wonderful sleeper, good eater, and just smiling all the time.

Okay, can you tell I'm home alone...I'm just rambling away.

I think that pretty much catches you up on everything.

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