Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Stay on the Sunny Side

Holy crap...everything has gone to hell.

That's usually how it works...just when everything is starting to work out it starts to spiral out of control. At least that's how it feels.

Okay, let me explain. Remember a couple of months ago when I was scrambling trying to figure out our health insurance...well, we decided to go with COBRA...the price they quoted us was really good. Besides, no other insurance wanted me because I was knocked up. And no insurance would take Ryan because he's married to someone who is knocked up. So yeah, COBRA it was. Happy. Now, after two months of paying our COBRA bill and going about our merry way, COBRA contacts us. Apparently, there was a little mix-up and we were paying for a single person instead of a family of five. Yeah, big mix up...in fact it was a $600 a month more than what we were paying mix up!! Needless to say, I went slightly nutso on the phone with the COBRA lady...there may or may not have been tears and I may or may not have said multiple times, "But I'm PREGNANT!". Maybe I thought she would all of sudden have sympathy on me if I told her that, and give me some smokin' deal..it didn't work. However, I must have made some impression (most likely a bad one) because later when Ryan called the COBRA people explaining the situation, the lady immediately says, "Oh, yes...I believe your wife spoke to Laurie." Thank you Laurie for opening your big mouth and sharing to everyone that you just spoke to some crazy, pregnant, crying lady on the phone.

So, that's where we are. We have a few options in the works since then, but basically I hate dealing with health insurance!!

This year has definitely been a tough one. It seems there has been one problem after another. I won't lie, it's been hard.

So, yeah...I'm trying to stay on the sunny side. Think about all my blessings and try not to dwell on the crap.

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