Monday, June 13, 2011

Etta and Belle

These dogs are going to be the death of me! That's right...death by crazy dog! And no, I don't mean that they're mean or anything and may attack, no, no, they are completely harmless. But they cause me so much stress and worry!

Yesterday afternoon they got out of the yard...yes, again. I tell ya, they know the minute a gate is left open anywhere in the yard. They had about a 30 second head start when we realized they bolted. Ryan was on his bike less than a minute later to catch use. They were gone. After four hours had gone by and they still didn't come back, that's when we really started to worry!

Haley went to bed crying for her pups. Heck, I went to bed crying for my pups!!

As spastic as these dogs are, and all the hell they cause me...I still love them. And they are our responsibility! So, we all went to bed sad...and worried.

But a small miracle happened! This morning at about 8:30 a woman called saying she had them, and they were safe!! She saw them last night running amuck in a construction site across the street from her house...which was a few miles away from us AND on a major busy street!! She kept them in her yard over night...she said she fed them water and cheese and the were happy as can be! She called the rabies number on their collar and wallah, she found me! What a wonderful lady!

So, how those dogs manage to survive on those busy roads, I just have no idea! They are like cats, nine lives I guess! And I'm so lucky they stay together when they makes things a little easier for us to catch them!

In other news, my little Morgie is now sick. She had the barfolas last night and now she's nursing a fever. She's been sacked out on the couch all day. Poor little thing.

Dang you sickness!! You're ruining Summer!

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