Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Stylish Blogger

I'm not sure I agree with the award (I've never been referred to as "stylish") but I'll take it none the less! My friend over at So Buttons passed the Stylish Blogger Award to me, and I graciously accept it, thank you!

*bow, bow...blowing kisses*

I was a little nervous because of the lack of posts I was seeing over at So Buttons...nervous that she may be throwing in the towel with blogging. (Is it just me, or are a lot of people quiting blogging?) But she's back! I so enjoy reading was she has to say. She also has three little girls and it seems I can always relate to her. When we get together we can always chat forever! She's a beautiful writer (I love her poems), a musician, an athlete, crafty, and a wonderful mother...she's always saying the most perfect things to her daughters. I wish I had that know, when they have a difficult question or problem you have the most perfect response or explanation said in a way they understand or they feel better instantly! Yeah, she can do that. I always think of the perfect response a week later, and then they're like, "Mom, what are you taking about?", and they have no memory of that incident. Well, I admire Megan a lot and I miss being her neighbor!

Okay, so along with the award comes a few responsibilities:

1. Thank and link to the person who nominated you.

2. Share seven random facts about yourself.

3. Pass the award along to five blogging buddies.

4. Contact those buddies to congratulate them.

Seven things about me...hmmm, this may be difficult...I mean, what have I not shared about me on this blog. I'll do my best.

1. As a child I think I was traumatized by the game Dodge Ball. (I mean really, what a horrid game! Let's get a bunch of kids together and let them wail balls at each other as hard as they can!) And of course just when you think you're so awesome dodging all these balls...WHAM, you get nailed...most likely on the head. That was me. So, ever since I've been very scared of things flying around my head. When I was a teacher on recess duty, I swore a ball was going to hit me and would be left for dead.

2. I hate crowds. I feel small and trapped.

3. I was very rebellious as a teenager. But I'm a terrible liar, so I got away with very little.

4. My favorite cookie is a Snickerdoodle...but only if baked correctly! Slightly crisp on the outside and chewy on the inside. I'm so picky about it I rarely choose a snickerdoodle when given an option from an unknown source (I'll go with something safer like chocolate chip) because a bad snickerdoodle just isn't worth the calories.

5. I was fascinated with the name Cindy when I was little. I thought it sounded so beautiful, and I wanted to change my name to it when I got older. (I don't think that anymore...all I think about when I hear the name Cindy is Cindy Brady from the Brady Bunch)

6. I can't do a cartwheel. I was so bummed about this growing up, seeing all the other girls doing cartwheel after cartwheel in the grass and when I tried to bust one out I looked absolutely pathetic. It still bums me out that Ryan can even do one and I still can't.

7. My fingers are double jointed...they can bend further backward at the middle joint. And my thumb can bend further backward too...what do they call that? Hitch hiker's thumb? I really hate that fact about me. My hands are my least favorite feature of my body. I wish I had long elegant fingers. When I look at my hands I think of work hands...back in the day, I would of have been the one who could work the fields really well...not the one playing the piano.

And there you have it! I hope I didn't do any repeats of things I've already shared.

Sooooo, now to pass this along. Hmmm, I don't even really read that many blogs of people that may be interested in doing this. But, if I nominate you at least share 7 random things about yourself...if nothing else. I love reading random things about people...there's always something that surprises me about them!

We'll see if anyone participates!

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