Friday, June 17, 2011

Piper showing off some skills!

Piper showing off her balancing skills.

She'll take a few steps here and there, but not yet walking...I'm in no hurry.

Ryan comes home this afternoon from being in Chicago for a couple days. I better get to seems when he's gone nothing gets done. We have crappy dinners...although the girls cannot be more excited to eat macaroni and cheese and frozen pizzas, and of course I enjoy the break from cooking. Oh, and Little Debbies. Yes, I took the girls...walked to the store for the sole purpose of buying Little Debbies Oatmeal Cream trashy guilty pleasure.

A couple of days ago I went to the store to grab a few things before Ryan left. I ran into one of my neighbors...not uncommon since it's out little market down the street. This is what was in my cart when she saw me: four cans of chicken noodle soup, box of Popsicles, otter pops, a soda, bag of donuts from the bakery, and two boxes of macaroni and cheese. I was little embarrassed when I saw her eyes scan my things. She probably thinks I can't cook, and that's what my family eats every night. In comparison, she had one avocado, french bread, and something green in a bag (broccoli maybe?). So yeah, I don't shop like every day, honest...I almost told her that....I didn't.

Okay, time to get to work.

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