Monday, July 18, 2011

Baby Girl #4

I'm 21 weeks...half way there baby! Doesn't it seem like I've been pregnant forever?! Does me.
I had my ultrasound last week to check things over. I was so nervous about it...all I want is a healthy baby, and I had so much anxiety going in. It just seems there has been one thing after another with this pregnancy and all I really want is to make it to the finish line with a little healthy baby in my arms!

Well, I'm happy to report that baby looks terrific! Boy, was that music to my ears! However, we are learning more about this mysterious tissue that has been lurking inside my uterus. First, they thought is must be scar tissue from a previous C-Section. Well, not anymore. Now, since things are a little more stretched out in there they can see that it's actually a membrane/tissue of sorts that connects from one side of the placenta to the other side. Very strange. The good news is that is doesn't seem to be effecting the growth of the baby. But, they do want to keep an eye one it.

Baby Girl #4. Look at that profile...what a beauty!

If you look closely in the second picture you can see that tiny strip/membrane (looks kinda like a rope) yeah, that's the mysterious tissue in there. And that little flower thingy by her forehead...yeah, that's her hand. Just in case you wanted to know.


  1. Yay! Love seeing the ultrasound pictures - brings back memories. Glad things are going smoothly... finally!

  2. She looks like a happy and healthy girl!

  3. Congrats! I'm glad everything looked great. I didnt know you were having another girl. :)
