Tuesday, July 19, 2011

No bedtime in the Summer.

21 Weeks
Does anyone have kids that can stick to a bedtime schedule during the Summer? I know bedtime gets pushed back for kids during the Summer...I can hardly blame the kids why they're not sleeping when sunlight is blasting through their windows at 8:00 at night...I wouldn't be able to sleep either! Plus, it's Summer! It's so much more fun for a kid to race around the yard barefoot in the evenings eating Otter Pops than going to bed...don't you think? But truth is...I'm tired, and I'm ready for some peace and quiet! We usually can get our kids into bed by 9:00...most of the time. But even when they're in bed they stay awake chatting, reading, or playing until around 10:00, or later. More times than not, Ryan and I are going to bed and they are STILL up. Makes it a little harder for Ryan and I to have some special alone time (if you know what I mean) when you have two Chatty Kathys next door...and our bedroom doesn't have a lock. Yeah...I know.

So anyway...Summer equals LATE bedtimes for everyone.

Last night as I climbed the stairs to my bed around 10:30, this is what I found at the top.

Funny girl. I gave her those eye thingys for sleeping in her Easter basket this year...more like a joke gift. She wears them just about every night! She hangs them on a little hook next to her bed. Best one dollar I spent for that basket!! Who knew?

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