Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Spreading the Love

I guess my little Miss Haley has been spreading the love. She likes to draw little pictures and write little notes to put into our neighbors' mailboxes. Also, I found out she made a little bouquet of flowers and put it on another neighbor's doorstep. Never mind the fact that she rang their bell at about 8:00 in the morning and ran off...leaving the flowers of course. A very nice jester I know...but I did have to tell her it may not be a good idea to ring peoples' doorbells that early. Not everyone is on Haley's early wake up call. But, my, what a sweetheart!

As a thank you, our neighbor gave Haley a little treat for her and her sisters. Again, this is all without my knowledge. One day Haley came home with three HUGE lollipops...when I asked where they came from this is when I found out about all the little notes and flowers she's been passing around. Half the time I have no idea what that girl is up to!

Piper loving her lollipop.

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