Sunday, July 31, 2011

Feeling Wretched

I am having a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad morning. Can I blame it on pregnancy hormones? Well, I am.

Let's see...the girls have been bickering nonstop this morning. In our feeble attempt to get them to stop we put on a movie...but that just seemed to make things worse. "Haley is in my way!" "Morgan is on my side!!" "Haley's touching me!!" "Morgan took my pillow!!" "Haley looked at me funny!!" Blah, blah, blah.

And then Piper woke up a grump and basically just walked around and screamed all morning. To give you an idea of what her scream is like...just walk around with a very agitated cockatiel on your shoulder, one that squawks about every 10 seconds in your ear...yeah, it's kinda like that.

Ryan left on a mountain bike ride right after breakfast. I was a little salty on that one to say the least. In my fury that that he was leaving me hanging in a morning of complete chaos I may have taken out my aggression on one of the pancakes that I was flipping. The poor pancake didn't have a chance. I know...weak moment...very childish.

As soon as Ryan left Haley decided to make mud artwork on the outside of the playhouse. Little hand prints strategically placed all over it...and she's says, "It was an accident, Mommy!" Uh...yeah...Mommy's not falling for that one...nice try though.

Now...the house is somewhat quiet. Piper is taking a nap...thank the lord. And the girls are playing nicely (hallelujah) in the basement. My turn to breathe...change my attitude...and have a great day.

"Keep Calm and Carry On"

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