Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's not because of me that my house is messy...honest.

Piper is a full on walker now...she's everywhere. I had forgotten what a mess a little walker can make throughout the house. And with a new baby on the way it will be a while longer that I'll have to deal with these messes.

I have to accept the fact that my towels will never hang neatly on any towel bar. You want a towel...look on the floor.

My Ziplock baggies will never look neat in the box they came in. Everyday, Piper manages to scatter them all over the kitchen floor and then I consistently cram them back in the box.

The potatoes in the pantry will always have little bite marks on them.

Our shoes will be anywhere but the place you left them. Piper is obsessed with shoes and likes to put them on her hands and walk around. The trick is locating them when she's done playing. I couldn't find a shoe for the longest finally turned up in the toy bin. I should have known.

Newspapers and magazines always looked crumpled and/or ripped. Plus, they are never neatly displayed on the table. Like the towels...look on the floor.

Finding previously chewed chunks of food in the carpet around the house. I should know this one by now. You give a piece of food to a baby, they walk off with it in their mouth, seconds later they decide they don't like it and toss it.

So on and so on.

But I guess, one day, years from now, I'll realize that I don't need to put the pillows back on the couch every ten minutes. Or maybe one day I won't have to live with the coffee table right up against the TV stand in my attempt to block Piper from getting into the DVDs. And maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to load the dishwasher without having one leg extended in order to hold Piper back from pulling out all the dishes I just put in.

Hey, you never know...I may miss all those messes one day. Then again, maybe not.

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