Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I love a good storm...just don't hurt my house!

We've been having thunderstorm after thunderstorm lately...I love it. It's something I never had growing up in Long Beach.

Funny story: The first Summer we lived in Utah I kept hearing a very low (very distant) rumbling one afternoon, and my poor Coonhound would NOT stop howling because of it. Honestly, I had NO IDEA what that noise was. I really thought someone was doing some construction in the neighborhood and kept shaking some kind of sheet of metal. Once it became louder I realized it was thunder...Yes, I felt very stupid. Good thing I didn't ask a neighbor what the noise was...then I really would have made a fool of myself. So anyway, I was very thunderstorm deprived growing up in the LBC.

Yesterday we had quite a storm with a major downpour. Instantly, the water filled the streets and the sidewalk in front of my house completely disappeared under water! Then my entire yard became a lake...I was a little nervous it would creep closer to the house but luckily it didn't do much more than that. When the thunder had stopped my kids ran out to play on the slip 'n' slide that we left out in the front yard from earlier in the day. Yes...still yard a lake...the wind was howling...but my kids are playing (fully clothed mind you) on the slip'n'slide. They are crazy!

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