Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Party Pictures

Since Morgan and Haley's birthdays are only a week apart we celebrated them on the same day this year. I know they'll probably hate that when they're older, so I might as well get away with it when I can.

We had a really nice dinner outside, good pinata fun, cake and ice cream, and of course presents. Probably their favorite gift were the CD players for each of them from their grandma...oh my, they LOVE them!! And the Justin Bieber CDs that Nicole gave them didn't hurt either!

The girls stayed up way too late with all the good party fun!!

1 comment:

  1. I was there too, having fun and taking all the pictures!
    I'm so glad the girls are enjoying the cd players from us.
    You and Ryan - did a great job.
    From invisible Grandfather Dave
