Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Idaho Falls and Jackson Weekend

We left Saturday around noon, hit a bunch of traffic in N. Salt Lake, kids were a little on the whiny side ("Are we there yet?", "Where are we?"...that kinda thing about every 3 minutes), Piper was extremely fussy (she kept spitting up chunky milk so it smelled like barf in the car...not sure why, maybe she had a little upset stomach). I don't think Ryan and I spoke once to each other the entire drive. With all the commotion going on...the girls yakking it up in a volume as if they were 100 feet from each other ('s such a small space...why do kids talk so loud?) and Piper's high pitch screams every 30 seconds, it was impossible. So, bottom line, the drive there was a bit on the horrendous side. But we made it to the race for the girls' age group with about 5 minutes to spare! Whew!

The girls were thrilled!

Morgan is not quite five yet, but we put her with Haley in the five-seven year olds. Here they are gearing up to go!

Haley coming in! She's busy looking at all the spectators.

Little Morgie to the line!

Ryan's race was later that evening. The girls did great and cheered like champs...even Piper! I have found that the key to ensuring everyone's happiness is to keep moving when at races...or anywhere really. The longer we stay in one spot the easier it is for the rough housing between Haley and Morgan to begin, plus Piper starts to fuss.

We didn't get back to the hotel until around 11:00 that night...and finally around midnight, everyone was settled and all was quite. Ahh, peace.

Haley was our wake up call at around 6:45 the next morning...ouch. We had a great breakfast at the hotel and went on our annual Idaho Falls river walk. It was a beautiful morning!

Then we packed up and headed to Jackson, WY for another race. Just like last year...the drive was beautiful! And luckily the kids were exhausted so they were either napping or just really mellow and barely made a peep. Quite nice for Ryan and I!

Again the girls cheered like champs for Ryan. Many crashes, but luckily my Ryan stayed safe.

The quote for the day came from a very new-agey/trail mix type lady. She was talking to me a bit in front of her chiropractic office, all the while, my two sweet little girls were literally rolling around in the grass fighting and yelling at each other. (yes, a little embarrassing) It was one of those moments you wish all you had to do was say, "Girls, that's enough!" and they would stop on the spot...yeah, didn't work out quite like that. So anyway, at one point she says to me, "Oh, I knew you couldn't be from here...Provo sounds about right with all those kids!" What!? Excuse me?! And then as I'm leaving, dragging my dirty children as they continue to bicker...she calls out, "GOOD LUCK!!". Whatever lady...I don't need your approval!

After the race we enjoyed a great dinner at a local restaurant (Ryan won a gift certificate there during the race!) and then went back to the hotel and all was settled and quite around 9:30...much better than the night before!

We toured around Jackson the next morning. It's a very touristy town! But we enjoyed it.

Headed back for home in the afternoon. Stopped in Bear Lake for shakes on the way and made it home around 9:00.

All in all...a great weekend!

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