Friday, July 8, 2011

Off for the weekend.

I survived my two days without Ryan...although, my inner Hulk started to appear as my kids were driving me absolutely insane last night! It was one of those moments that everything seems to go wrong all at once. One moment it's peaceful and I'm so proud of myself for being able to handle everything...and then, all of sudden, all hell breaks loose. Kids running around, screaming at each other (lots of screaming), she said this to me, she said that to me, she looked at me funny, I'll get you for that, she took my toy, spilled drinks all over, Piper poopy, phone ringing...and then there's me in the middle of it all trying not to pull my hair out. Whew...I'm dizzy just thinking about it. Let's move on.

Tomorrow we're off to Idaho for the annual Alan Butler Memorial crit...a family favorite. The girls are doing their bike race as well so that should be fun. Then Sunday we drive to Jackson for another crit. We're staying there an extra day so Ryan can visit some shops and we'll get a chance to walk around a bit. So that should be nice.

Our berries are coming in! However, I have yet to eat a single one...Little Miss Haley snatches them up before I can get to them. I'll tell soon as they are slightly red she gobbles them up. But this house is literally surrounded by berries and soon enough we are going to be up to our eyeballs in them...I'll be patient.

The girls painted bird feeders this week. I thought they came out very cute!

Do you see those apples coming in?!! Ooooh goodie!

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