Thursday, July 7, 2011

Need to know where the poo is?

If there is dog poop or gum in the area...Haley's feet will find it. No joke, it happens all the time.

Yesterday, she managed to step in both. I must have been slap happy when she stepped in the gum...I could not stop laughing! Watching her struggle to keep her flip flop on while dragging about 8 feet of stretched gum was cracking me up! Don't worry, she was giggling too! I'm not that mean!

But I was NOT laughing when she stepped in dog poop at the bike race last week...BAREFOOT (although she probably steps in dog poo barefoot on average of about once a week at home...but we have access to a hose, a tub and soap). But at a bike race, that's way different! And by the way, the poop happened to be about two feet away from our my mommy radar eyes didn't see that, we'll never know. So yeah, kneeling down, holding a wiggly 15 month old, while trying to wipe dog poo out of in between Haley's toes with wet napkins is NOT cool.

But you know, Haley could care less. Her reaction every time, "Oh, darn...I stepped in dog poop."...."Oh, darn...I stepped in gum." If it was up to her at the bike race, she would have given her foot one good wipe on the it good...and get back to playing.

My little free spirit...that's what she is.

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