Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Time to decorate.

I'm holding down the fort for a couple of days while Ryan is at a sales rep meeting in San Luis Obispo...I know, lucky him. Although is schedule is pretty jam packed for the 2 days he'll be there, so I'm not sure how much "fun" he'll have.

Again (I know I've mentioned this before) when he's gone I always have a major desire to spend money. Why is that? Like go grocery shopping and buy junk food, or order pizza for dinner, take the girls to something that costs money. I guess when he's gone I feel like it's a break from the "housewife" role...I don't need to think about dinners (mac and cheese or pancakes will do just fine), laundry doesn't get done, and I don't worry about making sure everything is picked up...basically, all chores get put on the back burner.

Speaking of spending money, I'm getting the itch to start painting the walls in the house and sprucing up my decor. We've lived here for about 10 months now and I haven't really done anything yet. Walls are still white and the girls room still has ugly flower wall paper (although they love it). We don't even have a single piece of artwork in our bedroom...or anywhere upstairs for that matter. I think it's time to do something about that. My only problem is I'm incredibly indecisive! It takes me FOREVER to pick something or pick a color for the walls. So I may be getting the desire to decorate, but it will probably take another three years before anything gets done (that's about long it takes me to decide on anything). We'll see what happens.

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