Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Checking off the list.

With less than two weeks remaining before school starts we've been checking things off our "to do" list slowly but surely. Last week we went shoe shopping for new tennies...the state of their old ones are down right embarrassing! Anyway, I should have got some kind of award for surviving with three children shoe shopping in the afternoon when every single store is an absolute mad house! Seriously, did everyone decide to go shoe shopping on that very day?! Luckily, we made it out alive and with new shoes...check!

They already got a couple of new cute outfits for school, compliments of their great-grandparents! New clothes...check!

Yesterday we walked to the school to get them signed in and find out their placements. Haley found several of her friends from last year, it was cute seeing them catching up on their Summers. Morgan got afternoon Kindergarten (it's what I requested) and she is just thrilled to pieces to start school! Received placements...check!

Today, Morgan had her five year check-up and got caught up on all her immunizations. She needed three shots, poor thing. I tell ya though, she's my bravest child, she did super duper! Piper gave the nurse the evil eye the whole time since she was just there getting her shots the week prior...you would think she would have forgotten...but nope. I think she was very glad it was Morgan on the table and not her! Immunizations...check!

Now next week we have back to school night to meet their teachers and find their classrooms. And also next week they need to get much needed haircuts. Then I think we'll be ready.

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