Monday, August 8, 2011

Fremont Indian State Park

Our overnight camping trip turned into a day trip...probably just as well. I felt too rushed to make it an overnight thing...because as you know, when three children are involved there is a lot of prep, even if it is just for one night. I didn't have laundry done, I never made it to the grocery, flashlights needed batteries, not sure if we had any propane left for our stove, I still needed to go through the camp cook stuff (it's been a while since our last camping trip) anyway, yeah, I just wasn't quite ready in time. So day trip it was.

We drove South to the Fremont Indian State Park via the 89 with a stop in Fairview along the way. Such a pretty drive! It's a just a two lane highway that winds around and goes through several little towns. We stopped in Fairview first to visit the visitor center and museum. We felt very special as we were the only ones there for a while. An elderly couple ran both the visitor center and museum and I felt that they opened it up just for us...sort of like a private tour!

Then it was back on the road to Fremont. We had a picnic lunch at the campground there...very pretty, shady with a little stream nearby...perhaps a future camp trip there. Toured the visitor center and museum before hiking around looking at all the petroglyphs in the area...very cool! But the big hit were the pit houses the Indians lived in during that time. They had a model of one in the kid zone in the museum that the kids literally could have played there for hours. They also had a replica of a pit house that we hiked to. The girls loved it!

Playing in the pit house in the museum.

It was a tight squeeze for Ryan, but he managed to get inside the replica pit house. They are not made for a someone who's 6'2"!

The girls were a little nervous to climb the ladder down to complete darkness...but they got over it.

Trips like these really highlight the differences between my kids regarding the weather. We can throw Haley into anything and she'll or cold climates, it doesn't matter. She's happy really anywhere and can entertain herself with anything, and she is VERY independent. Morgan is a little more fragile. She's not good in extreme weather climates...too hot or too cold. (It was quite warm hiking around) If she gets a little uncomfortable, watch out, she likes to let people know it! And she needs water with her at ALL times or she thinks it's just the end of the world and may die! I have learned to ALWAYS have water for her where ever I go! Morgan would be the one ordering room service and Haley would be the one cooking her meals over a an open fire.

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