Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New School Year!

Another school year begins! I'm really sad to see Summer coming to an end...although it sure doesn't feel like it! This week has been blazing hot...it just doesn't seem right for school to start yet. But none the less, yesterday marked the girls' first day! I got myself up and going because I was determined to send them off with their favorite breakfast of blueberry pancakes...I did it...whew! I know that's nothing compared to the feasts other mothers send their kids off with and the elaborate traditions they keep...but I'm proud that they got their pancakes! And I'm so, so glad there was at least one cookie left to put in Haley's lunch...that was a close one!

Here they are with their new haircuts (It was hard for her, but Haley chopped about six inches and I'm so glad she did...it's slightly easier to comb now). And Morgan couldn't wait to have a short haircut! Although she wanted bangs, I was able to talk her out of it (I really hate maintaining bangs). New outfits, and new shoes...ready to start the day!

Haley ready for 2nd grade!

Morgan starting Kindergarten!

This week is all about transition. Getting back into a routine with earlier bedtimes, and getting dressed for the day before 12:00! So, I'm hoping teachers cut us parents a little break this week and don't send home any homework. Give me time to get our routine in place...please!

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