Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Where's my energy?

Can we say "exhausted"? Not only do the kids need time to get back into a do I! I feel like I'm just walking back and forth to school all day. Haley goes to school in the morning, then Morgan goes right after lunch, and then they both get out at the same time in the afternoon. So I'm walking back and forth three times a day! Luckily, when Ryan is home he can walk Haley to I got that going for less trip. And lugging around pregnant belly when it's about 100 degrees outside isn't the most fun. I feel like I'm always dripping in sweat! Lovely.

And sleep has been so crummy! When I'm pregnant I get restless legs so bad at night! It's terrible! Poor Ryan has to deal with all my tossing and turning.

This morning I was watching my little nephew for a couple of was a bit of a madhouse with everyone running amuck. These are the moments that I'm very thankful for T.V.

Granted, they only stayed in this position for about 15 minutes...and then it was back to mayhem. But hey, I'll take that 15 minutes!

And if you're wondering, I have to keep that coffee table in front of the TV to block Piper from all the DVDs and the buttons on the player. They always insist on sitting on it when they watch something...even after I tell them they'll probably go blind. They just don't seem to care...imagine that. Whatever.

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