Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'm a lucky girl!

So, Ryan is up at Snowbird Resort for a National Rep Meeting. He left yesterday and won't be home until tomorrow. His work is putting him up at the resort so he doesn't have to drive back and forth everyday...I know, isn't that the pits (that was sarcasm, just in case you didn't pick that up). And, it just so happens he has his own you see where I'm going with this? You got it...I'm headed up there this afternoon to stay the night with him. My parents are so nice to spend the night with the girls while I'm gone...I'm so grateful!!

Tonight he has a work related dinner so he'll busy schmoozing...but I really don't mind hanging out. Hmmmm...reading, flipping channels, walking around the resort...BY MYSELF (gasp!). Yeah...I don't's sounds heavenly.

Plus I get to be with my Ryan without children ALL NIGHT...the possibilities are endless people!

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