Saturday, August 27, 2011


My little getaway to Snowbird for the night was wonderful! It's such a beautiful area up there! I arrived right when Ryan got out of his meeting and was on his way to dinner. I figured I wouldn't be able to join him since it was a pretty formal affair with tables already set for everyone. But, Ryan and I just so happened to run into the big man of the company and he insisted that I stay. I wasn't about to argue with that! So in I went. Slightly awkward for me since everyone was talking bike stuff...but the meal was fantastic and it was nice to put faces to names of the people Ryan works with.

The next morning Ryan had a meeting, so I lingered around the lodge while he was was very relaxing! I tried walking around the resort, but the elevation, heat, and pregnant belly pushing on my lungs just wasn't a good combo. I was pretty much out of breath where ever I went...sad. After Ryan got out we had a nice lunch on the patio, and then it was back home. Perfect little getaway.

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