Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Let the canning begin!

I've only canned once before, some peach jam years ago. And I did it with my mom and aunt who knew what they were doing. Oh, and I just had a baby...Morgan, I believe...so I did a lot of sitting when I should have been paying attention. So anyway, I've decided to tackle it once again.

I have tomatoes up to my eyeballs, and they're coming in fast and furious! So I decided to whip up some salsa. The last two days I have done more chopping than ever and with every burner on the stove going full blast it makes a very hot kitchen. Summer time + hot kitchen + pregnant = a major case of sausage toes. Seriously, my feet feel so swollen by the end of the day. Gross, but true.

Hopefully, my salsa is good...Ryan says it is...but then he isn't the most picky of eaters either. Thank goodness. But, I'm super scared the jars aren't sealed correctly and then when people go to eat it they just find a yucky moldy mess. I just don't want to poison anybody. But they seemed to be sealed, so I'll just go with it.

Next up, some peach jam. I'm very excited about this one...I love peach jam!

In other news, after almost a year of living in this house I finally got a table for our dining room! I absolutely love it! It's no longer just another play room for the kids! One of these days I'll get it decorated in there too...paint on the walls...window treatments... a pretty hutch...hard wood floors...so many ideas... *sigh *,one day.

It's brand new and I won't even tell you what I paid for it...you'll hate me forever if I do.


  1. Nothing better than homemade salsa. Nothing worse than sausage toes.
    Love ya, baby.
