Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sewing and Schedule Change

Not only have I been doing some canning lately, I've started some sewing projects as well this week...yeah, I'm feeling very domestic. The girls have claimed two corners in my living room as their "reading/quiet" spots. During the Summer when Piper was napping I had them do their quiet time there...well, Haley is still claiming that spot as hers. I'm not sure how I feel about it since it's taking up space in MY living room, but as long as she keeps it tidy (she has quite the array of things...books, blanket, pillow, CD player, little toys) I don't mind as much. Soooo, Haley really wants a bean bag chair for her corner...and of course if Haley wants it, Morgan wants it too. But did you know that bean bag chairs can be pretty expensive?! So I'm making them...we'll see how they turn out.

This week Ryan has started going back to the office at his old employer. They need the help and of course we could use the extra money. It's only three days a week for maybe a couple of months, but it's killing me! I got so used to his flexible schedule it's hard to go back to him leaving at 7 and not getting home until 6. Plus, I'm really dreading next week...he's working the expo at the Iron Man championships in Vegas, and then staying for Interbike the next week. So, he'll be gone for ten days...ugh, ten days...oh, Lord give me strength!! Hopefully he won't come home to wife having gone completely insane! I'll try to keep it together.

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