Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day Three...and I'm already behind.

Goodness, I've already failed at trying to post everyday. But since we didn't get home until after 11:00 last night, doing a blog post wasn't top on my list of things to do. Sleep sounded much better.

We had a good day yesterday...after the girls got out of school (it was another early out) my parents, brother, and the girls and I all went to the Utah State Fair.

We saw all the animals.

The girls did a bit of dancing. It actually looked more like they were wrestling half the time.

We went through most of the exhibits, we had a picnic dinner (thanks to my mom for packing it), saw an hypnotist, a sea lion show, and rodeo. And then last but not least, we ended the day with funnel cake.

The girls at the end of the night waiting for the bulls to come out. I think they're getting a little tired...what do you think?

Quote of the night.

Morgan asked me, "Hey mom, what freaky chain did you pick out?!"

Translation (it took me a minute to figure it out): "freaky" chain = free key chain.

In one of the exhibits they were passing out free key chains...I guess she heard "freaky" chain instead.

I'll be calling mine a freaky chain...I like that much better.

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