Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day Four

I'm getting back on track and cranking out another post for the day. I've been making it a goal to snap photos of our happenings everyday, at least while Ryan is gone. Well, Morgan decided she would take a few of her own. I thought I'd share a few with you.

Okay...let me explain the misery that's plastered all over my face in this photo.

So, early in the day my dad stopped by to pick up a couple of things. As he was leaving, and backing out of the driveway I was holding Piper while she waved goodbye to him. She can be a little jerky with her waving (quick up and down motions using her entire arm). Well, one of her fingers nailed me DIRECTLY in my eye...HARD I might add. I was basically blind for nearly an hour until I could finally open it a little. So all day my poor little eye has been bloodshot, half open, watering, and sometimes oozing yellow stuff. Every blink is quite painful. I'm pretty sure she scratched my eyeball...thanks Piper. I'm absolutely terrified about what it may look like in the know, all sealed shut with icky yellow stuff. I bet Ryan is pretty bummed he'll be missing out of that good stuff! So, anyway...hence the look of complete misery on my face.

Of course Morgan had to take her self portrait.

She took a picture of Piper too.

Today was basically a stay at home day. I was so exhausted from the fair the night before I wasn't really motivated to do much today. Plus, my scary eye and the fact that I could barely probably wouldn't be a good idea to drive.

Afternoon in the garden. Haley actually did a fair amount of weeding! And I didn't even ask her to do it!! What a helper!

Dinner consisted of chicken noodle soup (from the can) and grilled cheese. It was a close one...I almost opted for cereal, but Haley found the soup way in the back of the pantry. But, in my defense, I'm nearly blind people! I even had to read their bed time story tonight with one eye! And even now I want you all to know that I'm fighting the pain to crank out this post...yeah, that's dedication!

Before I close, I wanted to include a few more pictures from the fair. These were taken by my dad.

It looks like Haley is running through a ghost town! I guess it was a little quite when we first got there, but boy, did the crowds come later! I was in constant fear of losing my kids the entire time.

My brother, Jeff, and I. We're admiring a litter of piglets. Boy, were they cute...too bad they grow up looking so darn ugly! Sorry pig lovers...but it's true...nothing cute about a grown pig.

And last but not least...nothing funnier than a pregnant lady doing the macarena.

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