Sunday, September 11, 2011

No pictures today.

Just when I said I was making it a goal to post pictures everyday...BAM, I fail.

This morning was a bit rough. The girls were not getting along very well, and it just seemed there was a lot of running around the house and yelling. Sleep for me has been awful! I try really hard to get into bed at a decent hour and then something comes up as soon as I start to reach that really peaceful sleep. Morgan needs her blankets, someone needs water, Haley waking up about something...on and on. And then I can never find that peaceful sleep again and before I know it, it's after midnight! So of course I've been a bit short fused with the kids. And it always seems I have a kid in my bed by morning. The first night was Haley, and then every night since Morgan has joined me. Bad habit brewing...I know.

We managed to make it to church and my folks joined us, it was nice to have them there. After church my parents had Haley and Morgan come over for the afternoon while I took Piper home for a nap, and I was able to get some much needed alone time!! I needed that!

After Piper woke up I joined them for dinner. It was delicious!

Oh, and just so you know, my eye is much better today! I did not wake up with my eye sealed shut, thank goodness!

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