Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Too many appointments!

So this happens to be a week of appointments for me. Today was my glucose test which requires fasting, which is never a good thing for a pregnant lady! I had to rush out the door this morning to get Haley to school on time and then get myself to the lab for my test, pronto, because if I had to starve any longer and may have jumped the guy coming out of the gas station carrying a box a donuts! The good part is that Piper and Morgan were angels during the whole process...thank you, thank you!

Tomorrow is another ultrasound with the specialist. Again, they want to monitor everything going on in there and just make sure little baby is growing properly. Oh, and I'll be getting my Rhogam shot while I'm there (remember, my blood type is A-). Then, on Thursday, it's back to my doctor for my regular OB check-up. Whew!

So early this morning, around 4:30 I hear Morgan yell out "MOMMY" real loud and kinda mean. I'm half asleep, and don't move too fast...actually, I didn't move at all. I though, eh, she'll probably fall back asleep. Then a few moments later she's face to face with me standing by my bed.

Morgan: "Mommy! Turn off the music!!"
Me: "Huh.......Morgan, what are you talking about?"
Morgan: (long pause) "Oh....um, never mind....I was dreaming. Can I sleep in your bed?"
Me: "Whatever"

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