Thursday, September 15, 2011

Where do I begin?

I guess from the beginning.

I dropped Haley off at school and the other two at my parents' house yesterday morning so I could get to my ultrasound. Thinking it was just going to be a routine check and I would be home in a couple of hours...WRONG.

The specialist immediately discovered my cervix was thinning out and showing signs of early labor. Not good. He sent me directly to Labor and Delivery to be monitored. I sobbed the whole way walking down the hall...weak moment. Although, has I'm standing there sobbing in front of the desk at L and D trying to explain what had happened the looks on those two nurses' faces were priceless. They wanted to help, but had no idea what I was talking about. Luckily, the specialist at ultrasound called and explained for me at that moment.

In a matter of moments I was admitted and hooked up to an IV. They are giving Magnesium, for the babies brain and steroids for her lungs in case she does decide to make an early appearance. I've been having contractions for last couple of months but have been dismissing them as just standard Braxton Hicks, and this being my fourth I'm used to them. Well, I'm thinking I probably should have been paying closer attention. The doctor checked me and I was 50% effaced and dilated to 1. Hopefully, it's not getting any worse than that! I'm also on medication so slow my contractions and relax my muscles. They want to keep me in the hospital for at least 48 hours and then we'll see what the doctor says. I'm hoping to be sent home tomorrow...but I know I'll be given strict orders for bed we go again. My goal is to STAY pregnant!!

I'm so lucky my parents were here! Not sure what we would have done if they weren't. With Ryan out of town they have come to our rescue and are holding down the fort with the girls. They have their work cut out for them as Piper has come down with a fever this morning. My poor little one.

I'm staying optimistic! I had a good cry about my situation yesterday, now it's all about doing what I need to do to protect this baby! I'm so blessed to have family here with me...what would I do without them!!

1 comment:

  1. I would be crying too! I hope all turns out for the best and you get to go home. I'll pray for you!
