Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chicken Caesar Wraps or Chicken Tenders for dinner??

Seriously, these are my big decisions during the day. Is it sad that I look forward to and enjoy looking through the menu and ordering my meals. "Ooooh, it's 10:00...time to order my lunch!!" "3:00! Yeah, I get to order my dinner!" At this point I've pretty much sampled everything (it's a short menu), but it still feels a bit like I'm ordering room service when I make the call.

But of course the big highlight of my days are when my family comes to visit me! It can be very lonely here and I feel very secluded. And I think I'm watching way too much TV! I end up just leaving the TV on for background noise because it gets too quiet in this hospital room! Plus, I figure I may as well watch it, because I won't have it when I get home. So I'll just save all my good reading for bed rest at home. Which by the way, I'm hoping I'll be sent home this evening! The doctor is coming by in a couple of hours to let me know. Finger crossed.

I'm averaging two contractions per hour now...compared to five an hour when I first got here! So I'd say I'm on the up and up, right? Yeah...I'm going home...I know it.

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