Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sitting on a$$ again...

I did get to go home Sunday night...what a relief! It's good to be home, but hard watching everyone around me work so hard while I lay around reading magazines. I hate it. It's different this time around though because instead of hoping bed rest ends and I have to hope that bed rest lasts at least 7 weeks...that's if we're lucky! So 7 weeks bed rest during my first trimester and now I'm shooting for 7 weeks bed rest for my last trimester. I've got to make it to term!!

I'm so lucky to have such great people around. My mom is here everyday taking care of all my daily duties. We had a great neighbor bring us dinner last night, and a friend came over and cooked for us tonight. Tomorrow I have a friend coming in from the LBC to visit. We planned the visit before this whole bed rest thing. I haven't seen her in over a year so I'm super bummed I'm layed up obviously. But that didn't stop her. She's still coming and she's even making us dinner! So, we are so blessed to have such great family, friends and neighbors!!

I just have to keep reminding myself...this bed rest is only temporary! Plus, I'll get a cute baby girl out of the whole thing! A pretty small price to pay considering what I get out of it.


  1. What about the guy that transported family members back and forth from the hospital and provided "air cover" for missions to and from school?
    Grandpa Dave

  2. How did you write a comment under my name?! I guess you forgot to log me out? Of course, we can't forget about Grandpa!! The Chaffeur! You must come back soon...we need you!
